PNG Logging Code of Practice Under Review


Concept note of the workshop to review the LCOP

 The forests of Papua New Guinea (PNG) make a critical contribution to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the nation. However, these values are under serious threat from deforestation and from degradation resulting from unsustainable forms of logging.

The current National Logging Code of Practice (LCOP) was introduced in 1996 and it is overdue for review and updating, particularly in the areas of roading, catchment management, silviculture and biodiversity. The implementation of the LCOP has been constrained by the limited capacity of the PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) to undertake training, monitoring and enforcement activities.

The project namely "Promoting sustainable forest management by developing effective systems of forest planning, monitoring and control in Papua New Guinea" project falls within the donor programme of Department of Forestry and Fisheries under the Asia-Pacific Forestry Skills and Capacity Building Programme (APFSCBP). The project is implemented by the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as executing agency.

The purpose of this project is to introduce more sustainable forms of harvesting practices by improving the technical guidelines within LCOP and by enhancing PNG's capacity to implement the LCOP through training and improvements to the regulatory framework for the planning, monitoring and control of operations.

By strengthening elements of the Logging Code of Practice, particularly with a focus on Reduced Impact Logging (RIL), road building, biodiversity protection and silviculture, the project aims to achieve positive environmental, social and economic outcomes including improved water equality, greater biodiversity, food security and forest productivity. Project activities also aim to develop ongoing systems to significantly enhance PNG's institutional capacities to implement, monitor and enforce the Logging Code of Practice through training of trainers (enforcement officers) to further train personnel.

The following workshops and activities were conducted as part of the consultations on the revision of the LCOP:

  • An inception workshop for the project was held in Port Moresby on 27-28 June 2012, attended by 22 participants from 16 organisations within PNG and the region.
  • A mission was conducted in October 2012 to collect reference information including all relevant reports and documents, including current operating procedures and hold discussions with relevant parties regarding legal and policy framework, planning and operating procedures, training programs, monitoring systems, reporting requirements and enforcement provisions.
  • A mission was conducted in November 2012 to inspect field operations and have discussions with stakeholders on current procedures and practices for the planning, control and monitoring of harvesting operations. The project team gathered information used in the preparation of the revised LCOP version 1 and Code Implementation System (CIS) version 1.
  • Technical workshops in March 2013, June 2012 and November 2013 to review drafts of the revised LCOP and Code Implementation System (CIS).
  • The 4th Draft LCOP was presented to the February 2014 National Forest Board meeting.
  • The inaugural train-the-trainer course is scheduled from 5-10 May in Lae.



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