Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute



'To provide a scientific basis for the management of the country's forest resources"


"Leading centre for forestry research in the Pacific region"


As a research directorate of Papua New Guinea Forest Authority (PNGFA), established in 1989, is tasked in providing the scientific basis for the management of the country's forest resources. Its prime responsibility is, therefore, to conduct research into all aspects of forest management as set out in Part IV of the National Forest Policy (1990).

The current organizational structure of the PNG Forest Research Institute:


FRI Structure 

 PNGFRI conducts research under four major research programs:

1. Forest Biology Program

Researches include biodiversity (flora) is done for the purpose of providing data to plan and monitor the use of the country's forest resources in a sustainable manner. This includes botanical research and expeditions, biodiversity survey and conservation studies. 

(Click here to view brochure) 

2. Natural Forest Management Program

The primary function is to provide scientific information to assist the sustainable management of the nation's forest resources for the benefit of future generations to enhance economic, social and environmental benefits of natural forests on a sustainable basis. Research activities are aligned with existing objectives within the areas of growth and yield, silviculture techniques, ecosystem management and climate change.

(Click here to view brochure)

3. Planted Forest Program

Conducts research into species screening and domestication of important indigenous high-value timber species, identification of suitable species for specific uses and providing a scientific knowledge base for the establishment and maintenance of plantation for industrial wood as well as reforestation and afforestation of the country's vast anthropogenic grasslands and degraded lands.

(Click here to view brochure)

4. Forest Products Program

Researches include wood processing, wood quality testing, wood properties and identification, wood preservation techniques, non-timber forest products (NTFPs), processes and system capable of seeking a maximum possible contribution to the well being of PNG. 

(Click here to view brochure)

PNGFRI Strategy

Management Improvement Goals

  1. Strengthen and improve the FRI's organisational culture.
  2. Strengthen communications and build long-term relationships with stakeholders in government, industry and the community.
  3. Improve efficiency and effectiveness of internal business processes.
  4. Establish and maintain user-driven research planning and priority setting processes.

 Research Goals

  1. Improve the germplasm of tree species for increased productivity and profitability.
  2. Improve management and protection practices of new and existing plantations for sustainable supply of certified quality timber for domestic and international markets.
  3. Investigate and document PNG's unique biodiversity for conservation.
  4. Identify and promote utilization of lesser-used species in both natural and plantation forests.
  5. Examine the efficiency and viability of small to medium scale wood processing mills.
  6. Enhance economic, social and environmental benefits of natural forests on a sustainable management basis.
  7. Improve the productive value of forest land for maintenance and supply of environmental services.
  8. Explore and develop financial benefits of NTFP for rural communities.
  9. Promotion of measures for addressing Climate Change.



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Phone: +675 3277 800

Fax: +675 325 4433

P.O. Box 5055, Boroko, NCD
